The Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame


2015 HONOREES to the Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame

Each year the Selection Committee evaluates all the nominations received and identifies eligible nominees to be presented to the Board of Directors. The following individuals were approved by the Board of Directors for induction as honorees into the 2015 Hall of Fame. From these forty-eight honorees, five were judged to have performed extraordinary volunteer service and were selected to receive the GERI Award. (Note: One of the honorees chose not to have their name published on our website.)

In addition, a special GERI award was presented to Parker Koons, for his many outstanding services to a variety of worthy endeavors over the years.

The names of all honorees and summaries of their volunteer service are inscribed into the 2015 Blue Book.

A copy is presented to each inductee and one is filed in the Archives at the University of Baltimore Langsdale Library.


Belt, Joan E. H. Baltimore County
Bolden, DeCorsey E. Garrett County
Boyd, Danny Gene Anne Arundel County
Brose, Bonnie Curry Prince George’s County (GERI Award)
Burton, Lynn M. St. Mary’s County (GERI Award)
Chapman, Joan Y. Charles County
Coleman, Betty Makell Anne Arundel County
Deluca, Helen Frederick County
Doner, Pam Harford County
Donley, Fred Anne Arundel County
Duls, Carla J. Anne Arundel County
Evans, Margaret M. Montgomery County
Fischer, Robert Baltimore County
Fleegle, Patricia Talbot County
Ford, Thomas M., Jr. Harford County
Gaskins, Dr. Andrew T. Montgomery County
Gulyas, Louise L. Worcester County
Hayes, Dr. Barbara W. Queen Anne’s County
Hill, Loretta F. Carroll County
Hoffman, De Rue (Major, retired) Dorchester County
Jacob, Charline Lewis Prince George’s County
Johnson, Wayne R. Garrett County
Kemezis, Richard J. (Dick) Anne Arundel County
Kirby, Carolyn M. Anne Arundel County
Lease, Henrietta M. Garrett County
Lehmann, Mary Anne Arundel County
Lewis, Dr. Lloyd F. Anne Arundel County (GERI Award)
Link, Jerry Montgomery County
Mantua, Judy Carroll County (GERI Award)
Miller, Frances W. Cecil County
Nelson, Susan Harford County
Newcomb, John W. Carroll County
Nix, Anne L. Howard County
Osman, Donald Harford County
Overholser, Mary K. Anne Arundel County
Pauls, Willie Mae Queen Anne’s County
Rodbell, Reggie Baltimore County
Rogers, Dianne S. Anne Arundel County
Sanders, Connie R. Charles County (Geri Award)
Saunders, Dr. Hermine P. Carroll County
Serio, Carmelo (Mel) Baltimore County
Sherbert, Paul Basil Anne Arundel County
Silva, Danford A. Harford County
Stearns, Dr. Robert N. Montgomery County
Stenchly, Mary-Louise Baltimore County
Veit, Carmela A. Baltimore County
Watkins, Carroll Baltimore County

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