The Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame


2019 HONOREES to the Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame

Each year the Selection Committee evaluates all the nominations received and identifies eligible nominees to be presented to the Board of Directors. The following individuals were approved by the Board of Directors for induction as honorees into the 2019 Hall of Fame. From these honorees, three were judged to have performed extraordinary volunteer service and were selected to receive the GERI Award.

The names of all honorees and summaries of their volunteer service are inscribed into the 2019 Blue Book.

A copy is presented to each inductee and one is filed in the Archives at the University of Baltimore Langsdale Library.



Deborah J. Ahalt Howard County
Sally McNellis Bowerman Baltimore County (GERI Award)
Earlene Brown Baltimore City
Susan Chaffinch Caroline County (GERI Award)
Virginia Gardner Crespo Anne Arundel County
Ruth C. Daly Baltimore County
Avery J. Dover Baltimore County
Carl and Beverly Frilling Baltimore County
Mildred Gardner Anne Arundel County
Nancy M. Harrington Kent County
Steve Hoefer Dorchester County
Margaret June Horner Carroll County
Peter Johnson Anne Arundel County
Elaine Junker Frederick County
Darlene E. Koch Baltimore County
Lawrence J. and Jacqueline K. Mislyan Howard County
Eleanor M. Morrell Talbot County
Ulysses G. Moyé II, Ed.D. Prince George’s County
Charolene Oliver Baltimore County
Karen Reed Baltimore County
Helen Shriver Riley Carroll County (GERI Award)
Martha W. Roach Baltimore City
Kenneth L. Shettle, Jr. Anne Arundel County
Katherine D. Siggins Frederick County (GERI Award)
Bernardine Starken Kent County
Eugene L. Streagle Howard County (GERI Award)
Sheryl L. Taylor Cecil County
Michael Thornett Montgomery County
Bonnie Troxell Allegany County
Stanley A. Tweedy Prince George’s County
William E. Wagner, Jr. Carroll County
Ann Marie Ward Baltimore County
U. Barbara Yockey Carroll County

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