The Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame


2014 Honorees Inducted into the Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame

Each year a special selection committee studies and evaluates all the nominations sent to MSCHF. All inductees approved by the committee and the Board of Directors are entered into the prestigious Blue Book. A copy of the Blue Book is presented to each inductee, and one is placed in The Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame archives at the University Baltimore Langsdale Library. Of all the many nominations received in 2014, 45 nominees were declared eligible by the Board of Directors and were inducted into the Hall of Fame on October 23, 2014. (Note: Three of those inducted chose not to have their names published on our website.) From these 45 inductees, four were judged to have done extraordinary volunteer service and were selected to receive the GERI Award.


Honoree County
Adams, Shirleen Baltimore County
Baker, Margie Ree Kent County
Barland-Brasse, Patricia Anne Anne Arundel County
Brown, Allen C. Wicomico County
Brown, Delores C. Prince George’s County
Brummett, Kathy Baltimore County
Burch, Benton St. Mary’s County
Burick, Jordan J. Charles County
Chambers, Dr. Victoria C. Baltimore County – GERI Award Recipient
Champ, Donald E. Carroll County
Constantine, Ellen Carroll County
Conway, Donald P. Prince George’s County
Crouse, Kathleen Baltimore County
Cuffie, Barbara Baltimore County
Davis, Judith Montgomery County
Davis, Marcia Ann Baltimore County
Davis, Norman Baltimore County
Dennis, Claude J. Baltimore County
Dowling, John A. Frederick County
Fegan, Scott Frederick County
Floyd, Gene Anne Arundel County
Forst, Harold Baltimore County – GERI Award Recipient
Fowlkes, Geraldine Montgomery County
Fowlkes, Walter Montgomery County
Hughee, Mary F. Baltimore City – GERI Award Recipient
Jessup, Dr. Sheila M. Baltimore City
Jones, Catherine Baltimore County
Kasuda, Patricia M. Baltimore County – GERI Award Recipient
Kushubar, Marian Baltimore County
Malarkey, Dr. Edward C. Anne Arundel County
Osborne, Marilyn Baltimore County
Pickens, Joan Baltimore County
Pogue, Jane Talbot County
Prasser, Barbara Charles County
Rectanus, Hazel H. Carroll County
Reeser, Mary Talbot County
Scheleur, John Anne Arundel County
Seaton, Mary Anne Arundel County
Spatafore, Irene Patricia Baltimore County
Stokes, Ronald Baltimore County
Thomas, Dorothy W. Wicomico County
Watkins, Carroll Baltimore County

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