The Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame


Thank you for your interest in MSCHF. Our goal is to have 100% participation from Baltimore City and all counties in our great state. We believe that 100% participation is attainable, but it will take commitment of both time and money to reach that goal.

Each year since 1987, we have honored up to 50 outstanding volunteers at our awards luncheon. For those being inducted into the Hall of Fame, this includes a complimentary lunch, MSCHF pin, certificate, luncheon program booklet, and copy of the Blue Book that includes a picture of each honoree and a summary of their volunteer service. In addition GERI plaques are also presented to up to five of the most exemplary honorees.

All this has been made possible through the support of contributors and advertisers. This is our only source of revenue, and your contribution or placement of an ad in our luncheon program book would be deeply appreciated.

The Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame, Inc., is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, incorporated in the State of Maryland.

If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to MSCHF, please send an email to: for details. And, Thank You very much!

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